Collection: Brilliant Footsteps Books

Embark on an exciting journey with Boni as she introduces you to her new endeavor.  Get ready to discover a world of thrilling books and journals with various authors, that will leave you wanting more!

We welcome Bob Swanson, CDP author ofA HOLE IN MY ROAD. It was written by a long-term survivor of the progressively fatal illness of alcoholism. It is transcribed from the trenches of firsthand experience. 

Also welcome author Dr. Dennis Teague, D.Th. and his wife Diane have served in full-time ministry for over 40 years. Currently they are pastoring in the United States and traveling abroad to encourage and equip God’s people.

Get ready to laugh and grow.   

Boni Belden-Doney has a passion for writing. She shares healing stories and her spiritual journey through hilarious perspectives. Her story "Butt Wings, Flying by the Seat of my Pants" and  "Brilliant Footstep Journals" encourage you to pursue a deeper walk with the Lord. Take time to journal your thoughts with words or just doodling. It will expand your heart and knowledge in pursuing the Lord. Let's get writing and laughing together!

Buy one for yourself and one for a friend.  Grow together in your walk with the Lord.